Jan 18, 2009

Groundswell Blook Report:Chapter Four-Strategies for tapping the groundswell

Groundswell is broken down into three parts. Part two (chapters 4-9) focus on tapping the groundswell. The authors provide advice and a strategic framework on how to do this.

Chapter 4: Strategies for tapping the groundswell
  • The POST method: people, objectives, strategy, technologies
  • The five objectives: listening, talking, energizing, supporting, embracing
FriendFeed Room: Chapter Four reference links and case studies from the book. Join the room and start a conversation.

Feature Presentation: Presentation on Groundswell POST Process, Barbara Nixon
Groundswell POST Process
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: li forrester)

Slide 2: Corporate adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, 2008
Slide 3: Web 2.0 Approach-Avoidance syndrome symptons
Slide 10: The POST framework or four step approach to the groundswell
Slide 12: Functional roles in your company and how they align with five groundswell objectives
Slides 13-23: Case studies
Slide 24: ROI of an Executive Blog
Slide 25: Keys to success

Feature Video: Groundswell Business Strategies, Josh Beroff
More Groundswell videos here.

:25 It is time for companies to get involved in the groundswell
:55 Four step approach to getting involved. Key is to do these steps in the right order. Don't start with technology.
2:00 Josh sounds a bit like a pirate (argh)
2:15 A long moment of silence. Not knowing objectives is a sign you're not ready
2:40 Five objectives. Josh covers the "Listening" objective with a real world case study about MD Anderson

What I learned:
1) Follow the four step planning process
Don't rush into things because your competition has started a blog, a Facebook fan page or a product ratings site. Follow the POST process and stay curious about what customers are ready to do online and what objectives you want to accomplish for your company. On page 67 the authors walk you through the POST process in detail providing you with key questions to ask yourself to help you shape your groundswell initiative.
2) Your Groundswell objectives must align with your corporate objectives
Review the five primary groundswell objectives currently being used by companies. Understand what each objective can do for your company and consider the following. You'll need executive sponsorhip and buyin from the key business leader(s) within the company. They'll need to see that the groundswell objective align with the broader company objectives and most likely its culture (mission and values). Create integration points with key business functional areas (sales, marketing, admin, operations etc) and processes.
3) Start small, do it fast, listen, learn and be prepared to adjust...but stay committed
Wow! Once objectives have been established try something that is simple, that can be measured and be patient. Be prepared to make mistakes, listen, learn and adjust. Remain committed to the groundswell process and recognize that it is hard to predict what will happen. Remain open minded and see where the groundswell will take you. Remain authentic, honest and involved in the groundswell.

Additional Articles that may be of interest:
Groundswell strategy and the social media, Businessworld Online (Dec 2008)
Latest Forrester Report Provides A POST Up Strategy For Firms To Tap Into Social Media (B2B focus), Demand Generation Report (Dec 2008)

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